About Brandon L. Ryan

My name is Brandon L Ryan,

I believe it is my mission in life to help people overcome, various obstacles in their life. Being that I was born with cerebral palsy (CP) doctors gave me a very small chance to live. Yet through the provision of Gods hand and love of my family. I have grown beyond that critical time in my life and have over come many obstacles sense then.

I am a graduate of Grace University, with a degree in psychology.  I’m the author of two books: The Emotional Struggle, and current “A Mad Love and A Shameless Audacity. Furthermore I am the founder and owner of Adaptive Martial Arts Science, which is a company designed to teach self defense to those with special needs. Furthermore I’m a Health Coach, personal trainer, nutrition coach and motivational speaker.

My passions include loving and talking with people, listening to the stories that people have to tell, inspiring others to have a new perspective on their lives regardless of the circumstances that they may find themselves in.  Beyond that I love fitness and working out, studying Brazilian Jiujitsu  and encouraging others to lay aside their excuses and become the healthiest that they possibly can be.  If you are interested booking me for a seminar or motivational talk, please email me at: Brandon.Ryan1984@gmail.com. Other wise feel free to enjoy my musing’s on life!